Favicon SirusPrison.serveminecraft.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address SirusPrison.serveminecraft.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Prison
Server Owner SwRm22
Votes 3
Country United States US
Servers Website https://sirusprison.craftingstor
Uptime 99%

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This Server is a reboot of the Classic server: Sirus Prison V3, Just enjoy the view and I would appreciate help to rebuild. DISCORD: discord.gg/U2Tf2vRC3p. You start Sirus Prison as a d-block prisoner. Using money, you can buy your way up to improved blocks, and eventually to freedom. In d-block, money-making methods are limited, and the risk of dying from other players is high. As you progress, more methods become available, and the risk of dying is reduced. The prison is constantly patrolled by guards and DEAs. Guards are there to confiscate weapons and break up fights. DEAs are there to confiscate drugs.

