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Connection Port 25664
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Category Survival
Server Owner Kaan Erol
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Recruiting for players for our ever growing community and crafters. We definitely welcome anyone especially very active players who are able to provide growth towards our flourishing world. We are also looking for staff members from moderators to builders or even just helpers for anyone new coming into the server. Ofcourse applying for these positions aren't guaranteed and wish to see more activity from you first before we end up appointing such request to your directions If interested and have further question please contact me on discord: Casms#1234 Or you can just find me in the server at: Note: Don't forget this is RLcraft, so your minecraft (curseforge) should be modded for it to be able to enter the server. If you dont know how, message me on discord and I might be able to help you.
