Favicon Budwizer.apexmc.co Offline

Status Offline
IP Address Budwizer.apexmc.co
Connection Port 25750
Last Check
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Category Survival
Server Owner Andreas
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Greenhill is a community focused survival McMMo server where griefing/raiding is strictly prohibited. The economy is community and admin driven, with a variety of ways to earn money. You can join jobs and set up shops To enhance the gameplay, we offer special abilities with mcMMO and there are over 50 custom enchantments available. Players are also able to rank up, in game, using the economy to gain access to new commands and perks. We have much more to offer that is not mentioned here and hope to see you soon! Plugins installed on server: MCMMO, GriefPrevention, Shops
