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Status Offline
IP Address play.quakesyndicate.com
Connection Port 25303
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Category Survival
Server Owner Arthur Alvarenga
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://store.quakesyndicate.com
Uptime 99%

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Quake Syndicate is a brand new small vanilla towny server with firm anti-pay-to-win beliefs, with a focus on a balanced economy and a focus on a player-controlled market. With McMMO allowing for more depth to the game. We have a strict zero tolerance rule regarding racism and homophobia, we openly support and embrace the LGBTQ+ community and completely bar any discrimination. We ask that our members be at least 13+ while joining the discord as to comply with Discord’s terms of service. We also ask that our members read the rules before even entering the server as to not be surprised or confused as to why they got punished. To further elaborate on the anti pay-to-win statement, quake syndicate has a strict, one paid rank rule that will not change, the rank is ten dollars while on other servers it averages between 80 – 100 and the exclusive perks are cosmetic only, as the ability to do /fly is also obtainable for free-to-play players (rank perks cycle in the daily crates every week) We have an anti-cheat and anti-grief plugins to prevent foul play and your hard work from being ruined. The server asks for a minimum minecraft version of 1.17.1 but can be joined from and played on with 1.18+ clients. Quake Syndicate is the perfect server if you just want that place to hang out with your friends on a cool summer night. We want to be the server that you'll eventually go "Man! Remember when __!" If you were looking for a small, friendly server to have such experiences on, Quake Syndicate is for you. https://discord.gg/f86vRey6tt
