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Status Offline
IP Address dragnium.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Dragnium Network
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website http://dragnium.com
Uptime 99%

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Server IP: Dragnium.com Discord: https://discord.gg/XxdFYfW * Dungeon Crawler, Survival, & Party Games! Looking for staff and builders! * All of our gamemode are custom coded and unique! We are open for beta testing and would love any feedback. Our new Dungeons gamemode is fun for single player or co-op! Join our Discord to get updates and be a part of the community. If you don't want to play Dungeons, you can enjoy our other gamemodes such as Survival or Minigames! DUNGEONS - A dungeon crawler inspired game with custom levels, bosses, items, crates, vaults, co-op play & so much more! SURVIVAL - Classic 1.18 survival with easy to use features for multiplayer! MINIGAMES - Fast-paced party games to play with your friends for some quick fun!

