Favicon alicepalace.my.pebble.host Offline

Status Offline
IP Address alicepalace.my.pebble.host
Connection Port 25565
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Category Minigames
Server Owner Guinea Pig
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://alicepalace.tebex.io
Uptime 99%

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I know its cold outside, and most people are inside doing something like video games. If you play Minecraft Java Edition (Windows or Mac), then I have something for you. First, click "Multiplayer", then go to direct connect or add server, and type this, alicepalace.my.pebble.host This fun Minecraft server is called Alice Palace, based on our dog, ALICE! It has two gamemodes, (more coming soon) Skyblock and Kit-PvP. In the Skyblock gamemode, you start on a small island, then you buy stuff (with in-game money) to expand and upgrade your island. In the Kit-PvP gamemode, you do /kit and select one of the kits above by doing /kit . You can buy in-game perks in stuff on our website, alicepalace.tebex.io Plus, as an exclusive offer, anyone who joins now gets a free rank, So come and join! Server IP: alicepalace.my.pebble.host Website: alicepalace.tebex.io Version: 1.18.1
