Favicon Privatecraftsmp.apexmc.co Offline

Status Offline
IP Address Privatecraftsmp.apexmc.co
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Vanilla
Server Owner Sean Baggett
Votes 0
Country Australia AU
Uptime 99%

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WELCOME TO PRIVATECRAFT SMP 18+ ONLY - This SMP server is a Whitelisted Private Community - Pure vanilla with basic payments of diamonds at shopping districts. Designed to be a community driven server in the most vanilla way possible. - Season 1 started 22 June (1.17) - Season 2 started 17 December (1.18) - Max members of 70 - Players are expected to always follow all rules and guidelines - We have a community shopping district at spawn that has been built and maintained by the community - Shopping district has been setup on the honour system and uses diamonds as currency - Server is PVE unless both players have agreed to PVP - Please attempt to work with other players on community builds, help each other and always remember that community comes before the individual SERVER IP: privatecraftsmp.apexmc.co If you're application has been accepted and you don't join the server within 7 days you will be removed If you're inactive and don't respond to a DM within 48 hours requesting to know your intentions, you will be removed. If you're going to be inactive for a little while but would like to return, please contact one of us ASAP
