Favicon skyblock.pangeamc.co.uk Offline

Status Offline
IP Address skyblock.pangeamc.co.uk
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner PangeaSMP
Votes 20
Country United Kingdom GB
Uptime 99%

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PangeaMC Network Skyblock - 1.18.1
High up in the sky there are islands waiting for you.
Choose to build your island alone or with up to three others. Fight for the top island rank against players and use /is level to upgrade and update your island! The next evolution for those who enjoyed the classic gamemode, now brought up to an entirely new standard. Quality of life improvements include tiered minions to automatically mine, harvest and sell items, advanced building tools to build large structures quickly and free unlockable island flight and cosmetics!
IP: skyblock.pangeamc.co.uk
