Favicon advancedsurvival.apexmc.co Offline

Status Offline
IP Address advancedsurvival.apexmc.co
Connection Port 25666
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner cody fielder
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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A TRUE Survival Experience! Advanced Survival is a (mostly) Vanilla anarchy server, with NO WHITELIST, and a rich history, that offers a 100% Survival experience. There are no rules, grief, PVP, steal, lavacast, and play at your own pace, your own way! Join us today and start your own empire, or survive alone in the wilderness against all other players, the choice is yours! Q: Can I join on bedrock? A: Yes, absolutely! Q: Does Advanced Survival have 1.18 world generation? A: In fact we do! Q: Do you have a discord? A: The link is-https://discord.gg/qfNBrvBTHZ
