Favicon mc.bucketry.net Online

Status Online
IP Address mc.bucketry.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Bucketry Minecraft
Votes 4104
Country United States US
Online Players 19
Maximum Online Players 100
Server Version Velocity 1.7.2-1.21
Ping 80ms
Uptime 99%

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Before joining, you should know what type of server we are. At its core, we are a Survival server with enhanced features, including elements such as a progression system, server and player shops, jobs, minigames, custom spawners, mcMMO, envoy crates, voting crates, custom claiming, banking, and much more. We also give the player access to over 170 advanced enchantments. Further spicing up survival gameplay and allowing the player to craft legendary items. So with that being said, you decide. Do you want to grind through all the ranks, reaching the highest level in the server? Or do you want to be the richest of them all?
