Favicon play.pawsurvival.eu Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.pawsurvival.eu
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner TheBestGames974
Votes 145
Country Estonia EE
Servers Website https://pseurope.tebex.io
Uptime 99%

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PawSurvival Europe - a server with a story!  * Quests * Unique story, locations, music * Minigames * Minecraft Bedrock support (Port needs to be 25565) * Regular survival You can ofcourse play regular survival, but our spawn offers many quests, unique music depending on locations, mysteryboxes, which you can find by playing in the server, daily luckywheel, minigames and more. If you feel like you want to explore, do quests, solve the mystery and follow the story than this is the server for you! Our Discord: https://discord.gg/8AnYU4d Our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@pawsurvivaloffical

