Favicon mc.starshootercity.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.starshootercity.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner cometcake
Votes 2
Country United Kingdom GB
Servers Website https://www.starshootercity.com
Uptime 99%

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🌠 StarShooterCity SMP Server is now Public!! 🌠 You like Minecraft? So do I! If you like it too our server is for you! Our server is available for all java minecraft players StarShooterCity is a fun server that uses custom coded plugins to recreate mods! You don't need anything to join, all it will ask is for you to download the custom resource pack to make your experience more fun! ⛏️ In this server, you can build amazing structures and play with our plugins - That the server creator, cometcake575, has coded!⛏️ Our server has all these things: 🧁 A server for all ages 🧁 ✨ Custom coded armour and weapon enchantments ✨ 👜 Storage items (backpacks) 👜 ❗ Frequent updates ❗ 💬 Reliable support and help in our discord 💬 ⛔ Claims to protect your builds! ⛔ 🔨 Moderation to ban any unpleasant players 🔨 🤯 Lots of secrets and special items to discover 🤯 💸 An In-game item based currency and shops to buy and sell from 💸 COMING SOON - 🌳 New dimension 🌳 👚 More Armour 👚 🛠️ More Tools 🛠️ Join here to start your fun minecraft experience: https://discord.gg/dENKsHHtpm Our server is still growing - and the more the merrier!
