Favicon iconic3.ac-mc.co Offline

Status Offline
IP Address iconic3.ac-mc.co
Connection Port 25565
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Category Vanilla
Server Owner MrSnow
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to the Iconic Smp A life steal Smp! 📦 Iconic: IP: iconic3.ac-mc.co ⭐ You can join with Java 1.9 to 1.18.2 ⭐ Use the latest version unlock all features! ⭐ Recommended & or allowed clients: Lunar Client, Salwyrr Launcher, Fabric/Forge (no game advantage mods), Iris, Minecraft Launcher, T-launcher The server is in offline/cracked mode 24/7 Register / Login with a password ⭐ Useful commands: /claim /warp /tpa /afk /shop /nickname/skin etc... ⭐ Custom enchants / friendly community/ great Staff Iconic is still small enough to know each player by name. Our community is very warm and accepting and newbies make friends very easily and fit right in. We strongly discourage bullying, name calling and toxicity. Even though many players are young, they are kind and caring. Besides our small, but welcoming community, see a list of other benefits we offer. Contests & Give-Aways We have been hosting various give-aways on Discord and events in game. Remember to join us on Discord! Always Growing We are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to have fun with our community! We want to hear from you, so talk to us! Found an issue? Have a suggestion? Tell us Also join our discord server to khow more! https://discord.gg/bZj3RfzUc8
