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Status Offline
IP Address play.asylumcloud.us
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Rexless Tazz
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://asylumcloud.enjin.com/
Uptime 99%

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This Server was made with the players in mind. There are countless custom features in this OP-Prison to make it unique as possible and stand out from the competition! I the owner, personally loved OP-Prison a few years back and I always felt it could be better with more and more little things to keep the experience active and unique yet aesthetically pleasing as possible. This server has been worked on and cared for, for over 4 years. I've had some great ideas and some great feed back from the server community to make AsylumCloud what it is today. I'm very proud to have the community that I have today and would love some new members! Please, join us over here at AsylumCloud and experience OP-Prison like you've never experienced before! If you like fast paced rank-ups, seriously NOT P2W, countless custom features and an active Owner that adds new features frequently, I'd highly recommend just checking out the server. If you read all this crap.. that's surprising... no one really does that for a Minecraft server. :> Have a good one! - Much love, Rex
