Favicon Narnia.minecraft.best Offline

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IP Address Narnia.minecraft.best
Connection Port 25565
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Server Owner Brandon Raught
Votes 1
Country United States US
Servers Website https://narnia-webstore.tebex.io
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Narnia! We are a new server with loads of cool features, a quickly growing community, and frequent updates to keep the gameplay interesting and ever improving while maintaining that original Minecraft feeling! IP - Narnia.minecraft.best Version - 1.18.2 Features: Bosses - In your time with Narnia, you will run into a variety of bosses that will keep you on your toes and drop worth-while rewards. Economy - Narnia has a fair and ever changing economy to adapt to the community and adds more purpose to farming, while maintaining the focus of the other aspects of Minecraft. Updates - Narnia has a developer that works hard to keep the Minecraft experience while making the server as unique and interesting as possible. Community - In Narnia we strive to have a safe, engaging and ever growing community.
