Favicon mechecraft.my.pebble.host Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mechecraft.my.pebble.host
Connection Port 25595
Last Check
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Category Survival
Server Owner Dillon Meche
Votes 5
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Originally created in 2010 and now we are back for our anniversary with a new 1.19 world. In honor of our past, we are reborn. You spawn within a growing Memorial City, which is protected via worldguard. MecheCraft is a near vanilla experience. With only a few commands added. Mostly, non-gameplay affecting commands. Such as /mail,/tpa,/rules, and a few others. Additionally, we added GriefPrevention so players can protect own land. We hope you enjoy MecheCraft as we focus on making a wonderful server.
