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Status Online
IP Address mc.rtrix.eu
Connection Port 25565
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Category Minigames
Server Owner Nolkik
Votes 1
Country Czech Republic CZ
Servers Website https://store.rtrix.eu
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 250
MOTD Rtrix.eu 1.7 ➟ 1.21 MAINTENANCE
Server Version XCord 1.7.x - 1.21.x
Ping 179ms
Uptime 99%

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• MINIGAMES • SURVIVAL - Well-developed 1.19 Economy Survival, which offers you a lot of conveniences such as a great economy, shop, kits, chests, nexus, pets, custom enchants and much more. • PRACTICE - Would you like to practice your PvP skills or just play a match against others? This is exactly what we offer at our Practice. To train your PvP, we have PvP boots and many modes to choose from, you can also choose the difficulty of the boot. It is also possible to play normal matches with players or with a party. • BUILDFFA - All players are against everyone else and their task is to kill the most players and thus earn money for new items that are in the shop. The maps change every hour and there are plenty of maps to play. • MLGRUSH - We offer 1vs1 (2x1) or 1vs1vs1vs1vs (4x1) game modes with lots of maps to choose from. VIP players can also choose their own cosmetics such as blocks and sticks. • DISCORD https://dsc.gg/rtrix • STORE https://store.rtrix.eu
