Favicon shabbycraft.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address shabbycraft.net
Connection Port 26905
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Category Vanilla
Server Owner Shabby Craft
Votes 8
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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[We will be launching on 7/25/22 at 11:00am EST] ShabbyCraft takes Minecraft back to its nostalgic olden days while still keeping things fresh. We utilize Terralith to keep a vanilla yet brand new grasp on world generation. On ShabbyCraft, you choose your path, you can be a nomad and explore the ruins of the land, or create a group and start an empire! The choice is yours. If you miss the days of Minecraft servers that had an actual community, join ShabbyCraft. Rules: - No hacking - No toxicity If you have any questions regarding anything in-game, don't hesitate to reach out on our discord. We will always put the players first. Discord: https://discord.gg/Z3brqbbaQV
