Favicon ArchainSMP.aternos.me Online

Status Online
IP Address ArchainSMP.aternos.me
Connection Port 49388
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Category Survival
Server Owner archainsmp
Votes 0
Country American Samoa AS
Servers Website https://www.youtube.com/channel/
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Server Version
Ping 77ms
Uptime 99%

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The Archain SMP, a place with no limit, for everyone. You can build your own town, start a war, or live in peace. Season 2 in the Archain SMP got a lot of new updates, for example the new town, Tiny__Turtle's town, known as Haling Cove is officially complete and there are already a bunch of people living it it. You can join in any version, from 1.12 till 1.19.2

