Favicon O2steal.mine.bz Offline

Status Offline
IP Address O2steal.mine.bz
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Survival
Server Owner Kar
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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My lifesteal server 📷 O2Steal [1.19] [Lifesteal] Server IP: O2Steal.mine.bz ABOUT US We're an accepting community of people that enjoys an advanced and custom feeling SMP. We have an economy ,mcMMO, Jobs, fair Supporter and Survival ranks, and so much more. You can join us on both Minecraft, and Discord. ⭐ We have many more plugins ⭐ McMMO ⭐ PlayerWarps & a rank system which give ALL benefits of the supporter ranks! ⭐ enchants that go up to lvl 10. Custom Enchantments and guns with custom weapons and armor. Which makes combat very different ⭐ A Trading plugin And an auction house! discord https://discord.gg/wXbwBS3Azb Brand new Join now!

