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Status Offline
IP Address play.quantumvibe.online
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Jade Tucker
Votes 329
Country Canada CA
Servers Website http://play.quantumvibe.online
Uptime 99%

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Quantum Vibe is a newer Vanilla SMP server we have a pretty active player base with 7-8 players usually everyday, and an active staff team, we have a shopping district with a few stores already using diamonds as a currency, and no land claim. We are a mture community all of our players being 16 or older.We support both Java and Bedrock players. Our discord is professionally constructed and moderated and incorporates a discord relay so you may chat with players in game even when you cant be in game. We encourage players to work together but this is not a prerequisite, if you wish to do your own thing that is perfectly fine. Version: 1.19.2 Rules: - No PVP unless agreed by both parties. - No stealing - No greifing - Cheating is not allowed. Use of mods and resources pack that provides players with unfair advantages such as xRay, item duplication, glitching etc. are not allowed. - Make sure that something is public before using it. - Lagmachines are not allowed - Must be 16 or older World resets will be done with any major updates to Minecraft but only after a server wide vote Dm me if your interested or add me on discord lyraBelacqua#2635 Discord Link: https://discord.gg/xKFpxxCHKf Join To Request Whitelist Dynmap: Play.Quantumvibe.online:8123 Website:Play.Quantumvibe.online
