Favicon undiecraft.gg Offline

Status Offline
IP Address undiecraft.gg
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Survival
Server Owner Jokull Oskar
Votes 0
Country Netherlands NL
Servers Website https://www.undiecraft.gg/
Uptime 99%

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INTRO Looking for a reliable network server? UndieCraft is a network worth investing your time in since you get to help us shape UndieCraft! COMMUNITY Our community is small and still growing, we are very friendly and understanding so don't hesitate to join us and have a chit-chat. Our staff will answer any questions that you have on discord. THE TEAM We focus on the community and its members and form all of our game modes and minigames around it. All of our servers are built from the ground up for everyone's enjoyment. We will also love to get your feedback to help improve the community's experience. You can help us shape UndieCraft into a network worth playing on since we allow members to come up with ideas for all of our servers. SERVERS, Join and find out what we have 🙂 What are you waiting for? Join undiecraft.gg and help us make UndieCraft into a network playing on 🙂 IP: undiecraft.gg VERSION: latest only currently DISCORD: discord.gg/undiecraft
