Favicon play.GiporyEarth.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.GiporyEarth.com
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Survival
Server Owner GiporyEarth
Votes 15
Country Germany DE
Uptime 99%

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Don't you miss playing with your friends some good old Minecraft? Laughing, just overall having a great time. We're trying to recreate the same feeling so that you and your friends can enjoy that good old nostalgia and hopefully create new memories. We are one of the newest but best Minecraft Earth Servers. And we are excited for you to join us! Bedrock and Java play.GiporyEarth.com port: 19998 Discord: https://discord.gg/DUJ22BnJKw Features: Towny (Create towns and countries) Dynmap (Live view of the map) Strong Community Player Shops (Buy or sell items!) Moderators (To protect you and the server) Strong Economy
