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r/MinecraftServer - TacoTown SMP 1.19.2 [VANILLA] [SMP] [FABRIC] [DATAPACKS] [WHITELIST] [GRIEF-PROTECTION] [DISCORD] TacoTown 🌮 is an brand new SMP server that focuses on the vanilla experience without any big changes to the game mechanics in order to keep the gameplay as natural as possible. Although, since heavily inspired by the Hermitcraft some datapacks (Fast Leaves Decay, Graves, Anti Mob Grief, Head Drops and many more!) and a few mods (Voice Chat, create Image Maps, anti-grief, DynMap) were added to make all of our lives just a bit easier. 🥳 We aim to create a friendly community of people with various interests ranging from redstone ⚡️ to building 🏠 and everything in between. Together, we can hopefully assist eachother and in the end, have a great time - which is most important. 😎 The server runs on fabric 📃 so no mechanics are changed, benefiting especially more technical players who like to get into things like RNG manipulation or other more advanced methods. Of course, majority of players focus on the basics of the gameplay and you are more than welcome to do so! ♥️ The server world is brand new with the server grand opening just around the corner!!! In order to get whitelisted check out our DISCORD SERVER https://discord.gg/pqq7WKvwwu
