Favicon play.oc.tc Online

Status Online
IP Address play.oc.tc
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category PvP
Server Owner Seth Phillips
Votes 2573
Country United States US
Servers Website https://oc.tc/
Online Players 70
Maximum Online Players 200
Server Version Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
Ping 24ms
Uptime 100%

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What is this?

From staff of the former Overcast Network, OCC is a server where you can play a variety of Minecraft PvP maps. Test your skills on different types of maps with unique objectives, made by awesome map designers.


Each match is not the same as the last. Maps can last anywhere from a few minutes to hours, but are still fast-paced and you can always seek a battle with someone! Compete with other players of all skill levels. OCC has some of the best PvPers in competitive Minecraft!


We have several gamemodes. In Capture the Wool you need to fight through the enemy teams base to get the wool and run back to your own base. In Destroy the Core/Monument you need to either leak the lava out of the enemy's core, or break their monument. You can never go wrong with Team Deathmatch, get as many kills as you can! In Capture the Flag you need to capture... the flag, and in King of the Hill you have to capture and hold points to rack up the score.

These are the most common gamemodes, but there are even more!


After joining the server, type /join or use the helmet in your hotbar and you are immediately into the game and can start playing. Take a look at the scoreboard on the right to see what type of gamemode the current map is, or type /map to read more about the specific map!

Have fun!

