Favicon bucketwars.my.pebble.host Offline

Status Offline
IP Address bucketwars.my.pebble.host
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner BucketWars
Votes 1
Country United States US
Servers Website https://discord.gg/rbmuDBy
Uptime 99%

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bucketwars.my.pebble.host is an up and coming Towny and War Server. It has Jobs so you can make money and grow your town. You can explore jobs and once you find one you like you can stick to it. You must build up to protect your town from an evil invasion by imperialist towns. If you save your money you can start a Nation and have other towns join your nation! Will your town survive? Will your town fall? Join now while you have time to build up and compete for Number #1. There are No Mods, so you don’t even have to download anything! It has the best plugins for the best experience! So, what are you waiting for? Join now! The Ip Address is bucketwars.my.pebble.host we can’t wait to see you!
