Favicon Secondearth.online Offline

Status Offline
IP Address Secondearth.online
Connection Port 25565
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Category Roleplay
Server Owner SecondEarth
Votes 1
Country United Kingdom GB
Servers Website https://secondearth.craftingstor
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Second Earth!

Second Earth is a geopolitical minecraft server where you can create towns and nations with your friends on an earth based world. We are using the towny plugin to make this possible, there is also a live map where nation's, town's and player's locations are displayed in real-time. We also have a player-run economy and much more features such as bounty and auction!

Discord: https://discord.gg/cTqG3p7VE7
Live map: http://secondearth.online:25565
Server Guide: shorturl.at/vAJRV
