Favicon mc.redlife.ro Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.redlife.ro
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Lucian
Votes 8
Country United States US
Servers Website https://redlife.ro/
Uptime 99%

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≻ Red Life is a survival Minecraft server offering a wide range of possibilities to enhance your Minecraft experience on 1.19. The server offers a community-driven economy, which gives every player the freedom to earn, sell and trade goods with other players independently. ≻ For the greater comfort and enhanced experience, the server offers protections to protect against griefing/raiding by other players, allowing you to really build something special and show off your building skills to the world. ≻ Ranking up for extra perks, participating in different events, and obtaining customized items & gear through the crates at spawn are some of the possibilities on Red Life! ≻ Discord: https://redlife.ro/discord ≻ Store: https://store.redlife.ro/
