Favicon play.aces-networks.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.aces-networks.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category RPG
Server Owner Trevor Pierce
Votes 35
Country United States US
Servers Website https://aces-networks.tebex.io
Uptime 99%

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The server is based around one of our main attractions which is the Ultimate Towny. The towny server consists of alot of rpg mechanics such as Magic, Quests with a reputation system, Custom weapons such as katanas, broadswords, battleaxes etc, and Towny with the ability to Raid other towns and collect their town resources(each town can survey their towns to get a certain resource). We also have an online map and server website for people to view town and nation claimed areas and buy ranks and cosmetics on the website. Besides Towny we also have bedwars available to play now!

