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Connection Port 25579
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Category SMP
Server Owner Christina Yoder
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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We’re a very friendly and welcoming group of avid Minecraft players ranging from age 18-30 just looking for other players like us that want to get away from reality for a while. Join us in a world we can create together and enjoy a different reality where we live our own stories together! S3 will be a short term world chosen by the community via Discord Poll and we will resume normal operations with the 1.20 release. Following the traits of Hermitcraft season 9, we are looking to be a community-orientated server where everyone lives somewhat close together. The idea is that groups are formed, so that each time you log in, something new is happening on the server. Rather than an SMP where everyone is pretty much in single player with a shopping district. Message Leo (Owner) on Discord with questions or for the application: Leo (They/She)#7007

