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Status Offline
IP Address playraidersmc.com
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Survival
Server Owner RaidersMC
Votes 1
Country Canada CA
Uptime 99%

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RaidersMC is a Survival PVP Sever, with a twist! Come say Hello! and have some fun. We are getting ready to open a SkyBlock world in the near future, so join and you might just be one of a few players to help build it and get a Dev Rank. We offer many different plugins to make the world more op and fun, including Clans so you and your friends can team up and be the strongest on the server! So, come join and be the start of an awesome server that's gonna grow big in the near future. bedrock ip- port-19132 java playraidersmc.com discord http://discord.gg/raidersmc
