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Status Offline
IP Address trulyvanilla.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Foxxite
Votes 17
Country Netherlands NL
Servers Website https://trulyvanilla.com
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Truly Vanilla! We offer an Enhanced Vanilla SMP experience. We are survival multiplayer server that is as close to the vanilla experience as we can get it. This means that we don't run any plugins that change the core game mechanics or add new ones in a way that doesn't feel like vanilla Minecraft. We are a community of vanilla Minecraft players that don't meed crazy plugins, items or other things to have fun, we make our own fun. As a server we take inspiration on how we do things from communities like: Hermitcraft Scicraft Harmony Hollow If you want to be part to community similar to those above. Truly Vanilla might just be the place for you.
