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IP Address enderfall.minecraft.best
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Kevin
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Country United States US
Servers Website https://enderfall.craftingstore.
Uptime 99%

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Beta Testing, Custom Server, 100+ plugins and custom skripts. Custom Hud, Custom Items, Vehicles, Private worlds, Ranks, Classes, Custom and unique character builds through attributes. No Pay to Play! unlock all plugin features through leveling professions. EnderFall Survival RPG Welcome to EnderFall RPG - an unparalleled Minecraft odyssey that transports you to a world brimming with untold possibilities and formidable challenges! As a valued member of the prestigious EnderFall Transport LLC, your mission is to explore and settle the enigmatic planet of Modalia, a precarious sanctuary for humanity at the fringe of the life zone. Embark on this exhilarating journey as one of our meticulously crafted classes - Hunter, Engineer, Farmer, or Miner - each equipped with a distinct set of skills and abilities to aid you in conquering this perilous new world. As a new employee, you'll also receive a private spaceship, which serves as your personal world with a max border that expands as you rank up. The Space Station orbiting Modalia is the heart of commerce and trade, housing shops and the bustling Auction House. Player trading and industries flourish here, as players combine skill sets to dominate various sectors. Regular Minecraft actions contribute to your professions' levels, while unique attributes and skills offer a fully customized experience that emphasizes the Survival and Building aspects of Minecraft. Through the use of Lands, players can claim territories, construct nations, and initiate wars with rival nations and lands. Cooperation and collaboration are essential, as each profession contributes to the dynamic, player-driven economy centered around Leather, Stone, Wheat, and Gold. But proceed with caution, for Modalia is a treacherous land. The further you venture from the sanctuary of your private spaceship and the Space Station, the more formidable the mobs become. As you advance your class and professions, you'll gain access to exclusive mechanics and features that will fortify your prowess against mobs and rival players alike in both PvE and PvP combat. Custom planets and resources are in development, further expanding the universe of EnderFall RPG. As we are currently in open beta, new players will be gifted a free emerald crate and key, armor crate, tool crate, weapon crate, and 25 EnderCoin upon joining.
