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IP Address play.atownyserver.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category SMP
Server Owner Heliosares
Votes 2
Country United States US
Servers Website https://atownyserver.com
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Server Version
Ping 29ms
Uptime 99%

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A Towny Server is a Java edition server with Bedrock support that delivers a close-to-vanilla experience enhanced with Towny and a few economy plugins!
Our small community of dedicated people are ready to welcome you with cosy and friendly vibes and will be happy to welcome you into the borders of a beautiful town!
To keep things simple while still encouraging interaction within the community, we have a player-driven economy where players are encouraged to buy and sell helpful things to one another. You can earn money by mining, farming, brewing, building or your other favourite in-game activity!
When you join, you'll be welcomed by the cosy spawn that we built ourselves, greeted by a community that's excited to have you!
We also have lots of cosmetics! Hats, Particle Effects, Gadgets, and more, all available for everyone to get their hands on!
Naturally, everyone needs something to aim towards - which is why we've got ranks you can buy with in-game currency! These can earn you extra claims, jobs, backpacks and cool commands!
We also sport a whole host of quality-of-life features such as: skipping to daytime, returning to your death location, and locking your containers! We also run an anti-cheat to keep everybody playing fair.
On the topic of playing fair, we operate on a strictly no pay-to-win basis, meaning everyone is on a level playing field. People who donate have no advantages over those who don't, so everyone can have the same great experience!
Thank you for reading through and we hope to see you in-game!
