Favicon mc.twenture.net Online

Status Online
IP Address mc.twenture.net
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Survival
Server Owner Twenture Network
Votes 6096
Country United States US
Servers Website https://twenture.net/
Online Players 118
Maximum Online Players 300
Server Version Twenture 1.20-1.21
Ping 61ms
Uptime 99%

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Twenture is a Minecraft server that offers a popular of game modes, including Survival, SkyBlock, SMP, and more!

We have a wide range of features that make our minecraft server unique and immersive, including MCMMO, PVP, PVE, SMP, 1000 Achievements, Economy, Vanilla, Parkour, Jobs, Grief Prevention, Skills, Land Claim, Events, Levels, Quests, Pets, Hardcore, Auction House, Shop, Crates, Daily Rewards, Random Teleport, Free Rank, Raiding, LifeSteal, Anarchy, Regular Updates and more.

Additionally, we offer a 100% free rank for voting!

Our server runs 24/7 and supports Minecraft versions from 1.16 to 1.19, allowing you to play at any time. We now support Bedrock edition cross play with our Java Edition servers! Join us today and enjoy the unique gameplay experience that Twenture has to offer!

Server IP: mc.twenture.net
BEDROCK IP: mc.twenture.net:19132
Discord: https://discord.gg/7gGcjeysdJ
