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Status Online
IP Address Shifttech.xyz
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner IRC
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website http://shifttech.xyz
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 500
MOTD Survival No Rules Est 2/24/2018
Server Version Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
Ping 183ms
Uptime 99%

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Shifttech began as a Minecraft server that ran on an old Android phone. Over time, it has grown and expanded to include a Terraria server. SNR, our oldest server, is still active and was launched on February 24, 2018. This is a hobby for us and not a source of income. However, it does cost about $25 a month to keep the servers running. Donations are welcome to help cover these costs. Shifttech was also one of the first Terraria mobile servers when it was launched on September 1st, 2019. It is still active today.

