Favicon join.mcnetwork.world Offline

Status Offline
IP Address join.mcnetwork.world
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Charles Getman
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website http://store.mcnetwork.world
Uptime 99%

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Saturn universe is a friendly smp based on pvp and pve. We have gambling, the ability to save your homes location and teleport to it aswell as the ability to /sit and relax. We offer exclusive access to rentable market stalls at spawn, where you can create a chestshop. Rent them while available! We will offer crossplay support soon. We have graves! you have 3 hours to get your items before your grave decays. We also have realistic seasons each lasting 40 minecraft days. Along with seasons come varing temperatures and the need to stay warm or cool down. we have tons of features available for you to try some come join us at play.mcnetwork.world! See you there!
