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Status Online
IP Address mc.blockminer.net
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category SMP
Server Owner Lee
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://blockminer.net/
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 80
Server Version Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
Ping 102ms
Uptime 99%

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Blockminer is a unique server that combines the classic survival-server feel with modern plugins and player-focused features. We do not believe in pay-to-win features like Loot Boxes, OP Items, etc. Our features include McMMO, a diamond-base-10 economy, town creation, custom vote altars, player shops and more! We can guarantee an amazing experience from the ground up. Come experience it for yourself and jump in the pit! Unique Changes & Features: • A Bow that is enchanted with infinity will work even without arrows. • Armor stands have arms by default. • Beacons have a larger range (Largest beacon has a range of 80 blocks) • Clicking a Composter while sneaking will use the entire stack. • Crying Obsidian can be used when creating portals. • Dragon Eggs will not randomly TP when hit. • Holding a Compass will now show directions on your boss bar. • Mending will always repair the most damaged item first. • Mob spawners can be deactivated by Redstone. • Mob spawners can be mined with a silk-touch enchanted pickaxe. • Mobs will no longer trample your farmland. • Mobs will now walk over rails. • Placing water under Farmland will make it moist. • The Skeleton Horse is now a Super Rare Spawn (10x less likely) • The Totem of Undying will work anywhere in your inventory. • When you are full, your person will burp. • You can break individual slabs in a double slab block while sneaking. • You can now leave lapis inside of Enchantment Tables. • You can sleep even if there are hostile mobs nearby. • You’ll take no fall damage when falling onto a Hay Block. IP: mc.blockminer.net
