Favicon simplefactions.ddns.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address simplefactions.ddns.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Ramsey Bonnet
Votes 0
Country Afghanistan AF
Servers Website https://discord.gg/yeTNvM7eXd
Uptime 99%

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SERVER IP: simplefactions.ddns.net WELCOME TO SIMPLE FACTIONS RP What is this Server: This server is intended as a geopolitical server, where you can rule your own nation and interact with others. We hope to create a place, where people can imitate and create their own societies to their best ability. We want this to be incredibly similar to events run by youtubers like ish and magicgum, just in a 24/7 format. THIS IS A RP SERVER We are using the Faction plugin to implement the nations system, as it leaves a lot of freedom to the nation on how they want to run themselves. Server is in 1.19.4 Hope to see you here :)
