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IP Address play.modlists.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category RPG
Server Owner Dylan
Votes 54
Country United States US
Servers Website https://www.bonevoyagemc.com
Online Players
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Server Version
Ping 2000ms
Uptime 99%

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Description Bone Voyage RPG+ is a Vanilla Minecraft Server which tries not to add all the flash of big servers while incorporating the feeling of Vanilla survival. A Few Of Many Gameplay Features Are - Custom GUI's To Limit the Need For Chat Commands - Various Cosmetic Changes & Perks - The integration of the Towny Plugin - Minigames such as new ways to fish, types of fish, fishing competitions and parkour, - New Structures, Dungeons, World Bosses, Guilds, Weapons, Armor, & a Plethora of Other RPG Like Changes - RPG Skills for almost every action from fishing to fighting - An Advanced Economy & Trading System - Auction Houses - Randomized World Events with Interesting Rewards - Levelled Adventures You Can Embark On Alone or With Friends - PVP & PVE Mixture that is both balanced and caters to both casual and hardcore styles of play And much more. If you do not like Towny, you can enjoy the server as an adventurer farming and collecting loot. If you don't want to play an RPG like system, you can build up a Town and enjoy life as a Mayor, whether it be by yourself or under a coallition of people. In addition to all of this, our server does not host any microtransactions which give players an unfair advantage to others. Whether you decide to donate or not, you will always be on a level playing field with your fellow player! The only perks that come with donation are fun commands and cosmetic options Conclusion This has been a long work in progress and I can safely say that I am very proud of the end result. I hope that you decide to give the server a try and thank you guys.

