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IP Address bjorheimr.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Roleplay
Server Owner Fagiraz
Votes 111
Country United Kingdom GB
Servers Website https://www.planetminecraft.com/
Uptime 99%

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Wes þu hāl, fēþa! Season 2 is on! Hail and well met, travellers! Welcomen thou art to the Kingdom of Bjórheimr, where our cherished Lord and ruler, his highness King Fægir, doth hold sway. Our liege is ever in search of brave and noble men and women to join his company. All who enter these lands shall be presented with ample opportunity. Perchance thou shalt become a Carl, a landowner of great renown, or a mighty Húscarl, a champion in service to the local Lord. Or mayhap, thou shalt ascend to the rank of Eorl, with a grand castle looming over vast lands and more. To gain further knowledge of the prospects within our Kingdom, one must peruse the law codes, written by our wise King, on the Discord server. Our esteemed King hath also implemented many reforms to the Vanilla Minecraft experience, in the form of plugins, to augment the immersion of gameplay, without forsaking the feel of traditional Survival. Of grand import is the BDM plugin, which doth introduce true Gates, Portcullises and Drawbridges. If thou dost fancy thyself a fantasy adventurer or history enthusiast, and desire to become a medieval lord, trader, knight or yeoman, our Kingdom is the perfect place for thee!
