Favicon play.ignitesmp.org Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.ignitesmp.org
Connection Port 25565
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Category SMP
Server Owner Zeece Ignite MC
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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**Are you ready to explore, build, and conquer in a vast and diverse world of Minecraft? Do you want to join or create your own civilization with other players and compete for resources, territory, and glory? If you answered yes, then you should check out IgniteSMP, the ultimate civilizations server for Minecraft!** ***IgniteSMP*** is a server that features a **full-scale replica of Earth** with realistic biomes, borders, and landmarks. You can travel across continents, oceans, and islands using boats, planes, or nether portals. You can claim land for your civilization, form alliances or wars with others, and trade or fight for resources. You can also customize your civilization with **unique flags**
