Favicon ThatHangoutSMP43.aternos.me Online

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IP Address ThatHangoutSMP43.aternos.me
Connection Port 25565
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Category SMP
Server Owner Hangout Survival
Votes 0
Country United States US
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Server Version
Ping 383ms
Uptime 100%

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Hey! This is The Hangout SMP. It is a chill Survival world you can play with your friends! With a never-ending map, there are infinite choices on how to play and what to do! Will you team up with other players? Start a guild? Or go at it solo!? Anything can be done here. We also sell starter kits! They are priced as this; Free, $5, $10, and $20. Contact Trace1219 in-game for more information. We cant wait to see you there!
