Favicon nyxo.mc-connect.xyz Offline

Status Offline
IP Address nyxo.mc-connect.xyz
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category SMP
Server Owner KronyxPlayz
Votes 31
Country India IN
Uptime 99%

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NYXOMC offers an immersive Minecraft experience with a variety of exciting features. Our server features a captivating crates system that allows you to earn keys through gameplay or purchases, unlocking crates filled with valuable items, rare resources, and enticing cosmetics. Engage in thrilling combat with the lifesteal mechanic, strategically recovering health by dealing damage to foes. Dive into a world of progression with MCmmo, where you can level up skills through tasks, unlocking unique abilities. Plus, customize your gear with custom enchantments and dive into the economy with various job options. Join NYXOMC for a rich and dynamic Minecraft adventure
