Favicon digicraft.network Offline

Status Offline
IP Address digicraft.network
Connection Port 25565
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Category SMP
Server Owner Dan Edwards
Votes 132
Country United States US
Servers Website https://discord.gg/digicraft
Uptime 99%

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Join us on DigiCraft for a whitelisted medieval Minecraft experience! - Build your kingdom showcased on the DynMap and protected by claim blocks! - Ascend the ranks to become more powerful and unlock unique perks! - Battle with others in Duels and the Warzone with a PvP toggle! - Gather riches with daily rewards, quests, jobs, and establish your own guild! - Collect pets, cosmetics, unique tags, and more using your earned money! - Grow your strength by leveling up skills and unlocking unique enchantments! - Join in custom made events with unique rewards and fun Brewery creations!
