Favicon fattigfossen.apexmc.co Online

Status Online
IP Address fattigfossen.apexmc.co
Connection Port 25618
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Category Survival
Server Owner mrgrizz3y
Votes 142
Country Germany DE
Servers Website https://fattigfossenmcserver.tip
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 200
MOTD Everyone is welcome here, using VC mod
Server Version Paper 1.20.6
Ping 185ms
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Fattigfossen, your serene haven in the Minecraft universe! Nestled within the realms of a Paper 1.20.4 server hosted in Germany, Fattigfossen offers a tranquil escape for players seeking an authentic, unadulterated Minecraft experience with just the right touch of convenience. ​ Our philosophy is simple: no pay-to-win gimmicks, no tedious ranks, just pure, unfiltered Minecraft enjoyment. We’ve integrated plugins like Grief Prevention and EssentialsX to ensure a smooth, grief-free environment where you can focus on what matters most: building, exploring, and connecting with fellow players. ​ For those who cherish their creations, there's the option to claim your territory and protect your builds using our hassle-free claims system. However, this feature is entirely optional, allowing you to dive into the gameplay without constraints if you so prefer. ​ But that's not all – communication is key in any thriving community! That's why we've implemented the straightforward voice chat plugin, enabling seamless communication between players who have the mod enabled. Whether you're teaming up for an epic build or simply chatting as you mine away, this feature adds a new layer of immersion to your gameplay experience. ​ At Fattigfossen, we're all about fostering a welcoming community where everyone can relish the essence of Minecraft without distractions. Join us and rediscover the joy of Minecraft in its purest form – a place where your creativity knows no bounds, and camaraderie flourishes amidst the blocks and pixels.

