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IP Address play.norcrascraft.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category SMP
Server Owner Chris Norcras
Votes 61
Country United States US
Servers Website https://norcrascraft.com
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 100
Server Version Paper 1.21
Ping 31ms
Uptime 99%

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Server IP: play.norcrascraft.com
Server Version: Java 1.20.4 (ViaBackwards installed)
Website: https://norcrascraft.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/ZW6HVj6qEg

Join us in NorcrasCraft for a Survival Multiplayer Adventure!

• Claim your land and protect your builds/items. Allow others to work with you on your builds!
• In-Game and Donator Ranks which bestow permissions and other benefits!
• Custom Crops that you can farm (tomato, corn, avocado, cucumber, eggplant, and more)!
• Server and Player-Based Economy, including player shops and auction house!
• Reward chests (with free keys given with each hour of playtime on the server)!
• Collect mob heads and use custom mini-blocks!
• Upgradable player vaults where you can store your most valued items!
• Casino with 15 playable games!
• Plushies!
• 300+ Custom Blocks!
• More being added daily!

Join NorcrasCraft today, and help us create a wonderful realm where everyone can have fun and adventures while building their dream!

