Favicon flavour.casualcrafters.net Online

Status Online
IP Address flavour.casualcrafters.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Minigames
Server Owner Garkour
Votes 0
Country Singapore SG
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 10
MOTD Wold's Vaults [0.16.4] Funny Unsolicited Nonsense (FUN)
Server Version 1.18.2
Ping 482ms
Uptime 99%

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Join Discord to vote for the next map and see current rotation and modpack/adventure map version! This server rotates gamemodes around every month or so in order to provide a fresh experience for all, from different types of modpacks such as kitchen sink, adventure, or exploration to adventure maps such as complete the monument, there is something to offer for everyone! Server is Hosted in Singapore, and generally has good connection for people in the SEA region as well as those from the West Coast of the USA.
