Favicon usm.serv.nu Offline

Status Offline
IP Address usm.serv.nu
Connection Port 25565
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Category Minigames
Server Owner jeff cla
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to the United States Of Minecraft [USM] network description! Our server has a really nice community with very friendly staff, who will always try to help you! Our server works for 1.8 until the latest minecraft version. The server has a nice custom hub and currently the custom minigame skeletonwars. It works the same as eggwars and bedwars. We have TnTrun and a parkour minigame as well. In the future we are planning to add more mini games. We want our server to be a spectacularly experience for our players. That's why we will always improve it! People who love playing minecraft and who want an unique experience join our server! We are looking forward to meet you!
