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IP Address considerategaming.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Ricky T.
Votes 0
Country Canada CA
Uptime 99%

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A friendly, simple and reliable server for everybody! Features includes but not limited to... Wild Teleportation right at join, no more dealing with a spawn at join! Promised to always give you fresh SAFE place to get going but if you don't like it you can do it again once every 60 seconds! Teleportation Accept to be able to send a request to another player if you wanna play with them instead! Who said you have to play alone right? :) Diamond and Turtle Helmet combined in an anvil gives you the best of both worlds! Now you don't gotta choose one or the other! Mining stone is lame right? Well not anymore, you gotta try it out to see what's happens! :) Rules are simple, use common sense, don't curse and also be nice! You will be required to accept the rules on first join as well.
